You may cycle to work, school or college every day. Or you might just like nothing better than a leisurely cycle through the countryside. However often you get on your bike, accidents can happen and it’s best to be prepared. We’re sorry to report that the RSA say that in the period 1997-2010, well over 600 cyclists have been killed or seriously injured in a road traffic accident while on a bike in Ireland.
Cycling Accidents can come in a number of shapes and sizes. From a driver pulling out of a side road or making a turn or not looking properly, if you’re in the wrong place at the wrong time, the consequences can be serious for you. It can also be hard for a motorist to accurately assess the speed you can do or are doing on your bike so keep this in mind when you travel. Roundabouts can be tough to navigate even in the relative safety of a car. While on a bike, your risk increases and it’s important cyclists are conscious of their road usage and how responsible cycling is equally as important as responsible driving. If you are in a road traffic accident and all or part of the blame can be attributed to someone else, then you may be entitled to claim for damages. Usually, this includes cover for injuries sustained or indeed damage to property, like the bike in question.
Your claim may also cover issues which develop after the incident which are a result of the accident itself. While you are at the scene of the accident, try and take in as much as you can. From the car registration to a description of the events that led to the accident, try and remember as much as possible. The more detail you can provide, the stronger your case may be. So, from insurance details to witnesses (and even use your mobile camera phone if possible), try and remember and record as much of your accident scene as possible.
At Synnott Lawline Solicitors, as cycling accident claims specialists, we have been helping our clients claim for road accidents, including cycling accident injury claims, for years. We’ll sit down with you and explain all your options as well as the likely outcome.
Got a question about starting a Cycling Accident Claim?
Contact our legal team at Synnott Lawline Solicitors. Tel: 01 4537890 Email: