If this is something you’ve always wanted to have done, make sure you fully research all your options. Once you have completed your research, the next step will be to make an appointment for a consultation with the surgeon face to face. Make sure that you are comfortable with the surgeon and have a list of questions on the day in order to extract as much information as possible and make the most of your consultation.
Ending up in the hands of an inexperienced surgeon will increase chances of poor results, extra expense, further surgery and heartache. In extreme cases the damage caused by an inexperienced surgeon can be irreparable. It is very important to ensure that the surgeon has full indemnity insurance before undergoing any surgery. If something did go wrong, and the surgeon did not have indemnity insurance, you, as the patient, can be left in a very precarious position.
Once you are satisfied that your contemplated surgeon is a fully registered specialist it is time to do some online research. Look for testimonials from previous patients; see if anyone has any complaints about the procedures they had carried out with this surgeon. Obviously whatever you do find online should be taken with a pinch of salt. Considering the amount of internet trolls out there you can’t always be sure what you are reading is true.
This list is not exhaustive and feel free to ask your surgeon as many questions as necessary in order to satisfy yourself as to his experience and capabilities. It may seem strange to ask a surgeon if it is possible to achieve the desired results but it must be remembered that it may not always be possible to achieve the results you are hoping for the first time around, for example if you wish to undergo breast augmentation and want to jump from an ‘A’ cup to a ‘G’ cup. In this scenario it would be explained that this dramatic jump in size, in one surgery, is not recommended and more than likely not possible. It may take two or even three surgeries to reach the target size.
After the initial consultation you should be advised to take a two week cooling off period. This means that you cannot book a date for surgery for at least two weeks after your initial consultation so that you will have time to think about it and not make any rash decisions. If after the two weeks you still wish to proceed with the surgery then contact your surgeon and book a convenient date for same. Dealing with the aftermath of a botched cosmetic procedure can be very stressful and upsetting and in some patients can even cause depression. If the worst has already happened and you have been unfortunate enough to end up in the hands of an inexperienced surgeon you may be entitled to pursue a claim.
At Synnott Lawline Solicitors we specialise in medical negligence claims arising out of negligently performed cosmetic surgery procedures. If you have any questions or wish to make a claim please do not hesitate to contact our dedicated and experienced team of solicitors who will be more than happy to talk you through the whole process and answer any questions that you may have.
If you have come under the care of an inexperienced surgeon please do not delay in calling us on 01 4537890. You only have two years from the date of your surgery within which to make a claim after which time your case will become statute barred.
Got a question about starting a Medical Negligence Claim?
Contact our legal team at Synnott Lawline Solicitors. Tel: 01 4537890 Email: info@lawline.ie